Display 201 - 240 hits of 869.
eclipse-mylyn-tasks-trac | 3.5.1-2 | noarch | Mylyn Tasks Connector: Trac | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-tasks-web | 3.5.1-2 | noarch | Mylyn Tasks Connector: Web Templates (Advanced) (Incubation) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-tasks-web | 3.5.1-2 | noarch | Mylyn Tasks Connector: Web Templates (Advanced) (Incubation) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Eclipse Mylyn Versions | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Eclipse Mylyn Versions | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions-cvs | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Mylyn Versions Connector: CVS | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions-cvs | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Mylyn Versions Connector: CVS | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions-git | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Mylyn Versions Connector: Git | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-mylyn-versions-git | 3.5.1-1 | noarch | Mylyn Versions Connector: Git | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-p2-discovery | 1.0.0-2 | noarch | Equinox p2 Discovery | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-p2-discovery | 1.0.0-2 | noarch | Equinox p2 Discovery | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-pde | 3.7.0-1.3 | i586 | Eclipse Plugin Development Environment | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | Photran End-User Runtime | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | Photran End-User Runtime | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran-intel | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | Intel Fortran compiler support for Photran | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran-intel | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | Intel Fortran compiler support for Photran | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran-xlf | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | IBM XLF Compiler Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-photran-xlf | 6.0.6-1 | noarch | IBM XLF Compiler Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-phpeclipse | 1.2.3-3 | noarch | PHP Eclipse plugin | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-phpeclipse | 1.2.3-3 | noarch | PHP Eclipse plugin | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-platform | 3.7.0-1.3 | i586 | Eclipse platform common files | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | Eclipse Parallel Tools Platform | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-ppw | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Parallel Performance Wizard (PPW) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-ppw | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Parallel Performance Wizard (PPW) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-tau | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP External Tools Framework TAU Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-tau | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP External Tools Framework TAU Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-tau-fortran | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP External Tools Framework: TAU Fortran Enabler | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-etfw-tau-fortran | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP External Tools Framework: TAU Fortran Enabler | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-gem | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Graphical Explorer of MPI Programs (GEM) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-gem | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Graphical Explorer of MPI Programs (GEM) | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-pldt-upc | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Parallel Language Development Tools UPC Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-pldt-upc | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Parallel Language Development Tools UPC Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-rdt | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Remote Development Tools | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-rdt | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Remote Development Tools | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-rdt-xlc | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Remote Development Tools XL C/C++ Compiler Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-rdt-xlc | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Remote Development Tools XL C/C++ Compiler Support | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-remote-rse | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP RSE Enabler | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-remote-rse | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP RSE Enabler | Mandrake Other |
eclipse-ptp-sci | 4.0.6-1 | noarch | PTP Scalable Communication Infrastructure (SCI) | Mandrake Other |